Thursday, January 04, 2007

New website set up and going.

I have finally gotten my comicgenesis account and I've been 
spending a lot of my time recently, setting it all up and making 
sure it's entirely readable and presentable. I hope you like it. 
The new address, if you didn't know yet, is

More posts later. Ciao! 

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Serious Changes

I have not been able to upload any strips for over a week now, and
for that, I am truly sorry.  This is because of continued difficulties 
with my web host, which is now completely inactive and I doubt I 
will be getting back on again to do anything.  Because of this, I am 
getting a new comicgenesis account where I can continue updating 
with much more ease and confidence that I shouldn't have any of 
the problems I've been having already.  However, because of the 
bad timing, it will probably be after Xmas and or New year before 
I can upload again.  However, when I do get my account setup and 
sorted, I will post all the one's I have missed during this time.  
This is mostly because of:

1.  The fact that you, the readers, have been so patient and it will 
be a nice read all at once.
2.  I have them all ordered and labelled, ready to be posted on 
those dates, and I don't want to mess it up.
3.  I also still want to post the Xmas and New Year pics which I 
made specially.

So, on this note, I leave you until then.  I will post again when It's all sorted out.  But, until then.  I wish you all a very merry Xmas.  And if you don't celebrate it, then just remember to enjoy yourselves anyway and have a Happy New Year!!!

Ciao 4 NoW!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

This is the newest character design for the comic. Her name is Stephanie because she's modelled after me. I just had to have my own character in the comic. Right from the start I thought. Anyway, the design isn't complete. Her hair more or less is, but not the clothes. This is just one of my sketchy attempts at clothing design. As you can see, not perfected yet. Heh. Anyway, please enjoy it anyway, and feel free to give me any comments or suggestions. All are welcome. Ciao 4 Now! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 16, 2006

For now, some gallery images will be posted here in the blog. For how long I don't know. But either way. Enjoy this little doodle I did of Nathan. Sorry for no clothes. He's definitely embracing his "Animal Instinct" heh. Great for use as a desktop background. :D I use it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

All In One

Ok. I've decided to put all of my blog updates from both everyday life and to do with the comic in one blog. I don't have the time to be updating two different blogs all the time. So, from now it's all going to be in this blog. But i'm only going to be updating when there's something about the comic to post about. Unless of course I can't wait. Heh.

Anyway, first off, I've deleted my other blog and have posted all the updates here, so they don't get lost. It's not much, but it's history. And history should be preserved, shouldn't it?

But what I really want to say is that I'm going to be searching for a publisher for my book after the new year! Yes. I've finally reached that stage. Congrats to me. Yay! I hope I get somewhere. I don't want to have to go through an agent just to get published. Any money I earn from my books should go to me, not someone else I don't even know. Anyway, I've started looking briefly, but a full search is going to have to wait until next year. Wish me luck.

I also have another thing to say. My Great Uncle died last week during the night. His body was riddled with all types of Cancer. Anyway, the funeral is on Tuesday. And I'm going to go through on Monday and come back on Tuesday. I've never been to a funeral before, so I don't know what it's like. Anyway, I'm going to miss at least one and a half days of college for it. Bummer. And I don't know if I'll be able to update the comic on Monday. If I go to the college for the morning, it means a 0630 rise and I don't know if I can get an update posted before I go. Usually I would do it when I got back. But this time I will be going straight through to Glasgow when I get back. If I can update I will. But I don't give any guarantees. Just though i'd let you know.

Thanks for the support. I hope you enjoy the comic so far. :D

I finally did it!!!!

Imagine I've yet again been neglecting my blog. Am I bad or what? Tsk tsk.

I've been really busy since my last blog. My hand's healed on the surface now, but it's still healing underneath the skin now. It stings now and then and I can't get a proper grip with that hand anymore. Well, I never had much of a grip in the first place.

I applied for a college course at Stevenson's. 'The Office Experience!' It's a one year course and it focuses on Legal, Medical and Hospitality Reception/Secretarial work. Cool or what? Well, i'm pleased about it anyway. I'm going for an Induction day at 9:30AM on August 22nd. My sister isn't happy about that though. It's her birthday then, but i'm sure she understands. It's not my choice to go that day. I would change it if I could. Anyway, it's also only a couple of days after I come back from a two week holiday. For the first time in my life, I'm having two holidays in one year! Normally we can only afford one holiday every other year. Guess we're lucky this year. It's in EIRE both times, which is basically just across the pond. HA! But it's fun anyway. We went inMarch before with my friend as well. We went for a week to see the St Patrick's Day Festival. It was alright I guess. It's the first festival I've ever been to. Pity it hailed most of the time though. My head was raw by the end. It took over two hours to see the whole festival. Of course, I feel sorry for the people who took part in it. At one point there were some females going along in just thongs and a feather bra. Cold.. ouch!

Anyway, i'm going for two weeks starting on the 5th of August. We're going to stay in a cottage this time, rather than a hotel in Dublin. I didn't like Dublin. It was too noisy and personally, I don't like shops. I prefer cultural things. I must admit though, Dublin had a really good Ghost Bus Tour and Viking Tour. It was fun.

Anyway, I officially start my college course a week or so after I get back from EIRE. I start on the 28th. Goody for me, heh.

Oh. And my most exciting news of all. I finally finished my book!! I've been working on it for a couple of years and I've finally finished the first draft. I'm editing it now, then i'm going to see about getting it published. It's only the first in a series. So, I've still got a lot of writing to do after this. Oyvey!! Wish me luck, eh?

It's called, Raza's Journey, and I'm hoping it's going to be a hit. I want to try and make writing my full-time career at some point in the future, so.. here's hoping. I love writing, so I guess that helps too. Well, back to the editing. Guhh!!

Honey Wounded?

Yesterday i got my bandages changed on my hand. yeah fine, clean it up, make sure there's no infection.. but what's really weird is that the nurse.. believe it or not, put a thick wod of honey on my wound. yes, that's right. Actual honey. It's been stinging ever since. Apparently, it's supposed to be good for healing skin. Just like they say it's good for colds and sore throats.. hey. maybe it'll be good against the bird flu that's around... no? well, it was just a thought.. ;)

But anyway. Today's been good so far. I've finished a chapter in my book and i'm getting through the next chapter well now. The plot thickens... ooooh. Oh, and I spoke to someone from school who i've hardly ever seen and never really talked to before. Can't msn be fun, eh? She's really cool and friendly. We talked for ages... longer than i ever get to talk to my friend, Emma. But, at least I have a friend. I have to be thankful for that.

But, apart from msning and writing my book, i've been lazing around pretty much. I can do whatever I want right now not only because of my hand, but because my mum said that I should write my book whenever I feel llike it, so I don't have to do anything when i'm writing. And guess what? I've been in the mood for writing for a while now... hehehehe.

But, I guess that in a week or so, i'll by back to slaving away... nah! I never slaved anyway. I've always been lazy. Could be to do with my weight. But, i'm gonna lose it now, so then it'll be ok. Now, back to my book... LoL