Saturday, November 04, 2006


Writing is the only escape for the soul

Heh. Don't ask me what that means. I just made it up. Not very creative I know, but I want to try.

See, i'm writing a novel. I started it early last year in school when I had a free period in Business Administration class. Two words entered my head, so I wrote them down, and the next thing I knew, I had written most of a chapter by the end of the class. The two words were:

"Raza sighed."

Corny I know. But, it started me on a whole novel, which i'm hoping to get published either this year or the next. I call it "Raza's Journey" just now, and i'm on chapter 11 just now. I don't know how long it's gonna be, so i'm just gonna keep going 'till I feel it's finished. My friends and ex-teachers - who are proof-reading it for me - think it's great so far. I just hope everyone else thinks so too. Well, at least enough people so I can maybe make a small profit from it. See, I want to go on a nice cruis in a couple of years - my mum and dads wedding anniversary. They said I could come along if I paid for myself - but I don't have the funds yet. Heh.

Anyway, I've always loved to write, but i've never gotten so far with something. I really think this was the right time and the right idea for me to write. I'll spill more about it later though, 'cos my hand really hurts. Ouch.

I went for 1hr 15m on the treadmill yesterday. I'm dead chuffed. And today, i feel really great. I thought I would be really tired or sore, but I feel brilliant! So, after brunch, I did another hour. And I still feel good. Must be the right time for me to lose this weight, eh?

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