Saturday, November 04, 2006

Day #1. What to say...

To say something unique is a challenge indeed

To say the least, my life is not one of the most exiting lives of all time. I do have my dramatic moments... but they don't come all the time. I'm a semi-average kid I suppose, apart from all my major differences. Like, my attitude, people say i'm very mature and grown up for my age, which is 15 by the way. I can't recall the last time someone told me I was acting very immature and that I should grow up... I think I already have grown up.

It just occured to me this morning, that for some reason, I have always been in the top classes in school for my whole life, without even trying to do overly well. I just go into school, work away as i'm told and then go home. I come back the next day and get commended for my excellent work in class and for homework. I know... boring boring boring... it's not very exiting. But, what if I said I didn't care what anyone else thought. That I don't expect loads of people to flock to my page every day to read my entries of a boring life and find it absolutely fascinating and awe inspiringly captivating. Did I ever say I wanted or expected that? No... well then.. Course, there's no one stopping you from coming along for a browsy read even if you don't actually pay attention to any of the words.

To be honest, that happens to me a lot. If in school, a teacher asks us all to pair up or go into teams to perform tasks, I have to get placed in a group by the teacher 'cos no one wants to know me.. well, they do, but they don't want to. anyway, they always ignore me and what i've got to say, no matter how right or relevant it is to the task. They'd prefer to get it all wrong than pay attention to what I say. Well, their loss I guess. But, today, I luckily didn't have to pair up or group with anyone. That was a big relief. I always hate it when I have to.

Anyway, my dog, Jasper, who's a croos between a labrador and a collie, loves to play with computers believe it or not. No, seriously! He claws at the keyboard when he gets the chance... but he also thinks he can play by chewing the wires to pieces... very dangerous indeed. I hopefully trained him not to do that. bless his little soul..

But, tomorrow, you can, if you want, come back again for another fun-filled adventure in "A Daring Day In The Life Of..." Hahahahahaha

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