Saturday, November 04, 2006

Oh Crikey!


Has it really been so long? I can't believe how time flew!

I can hardly remember anything over the past near two years. I've been so busy and freaked out about exams in school. But, it's all over now, and I can start blogging again. I've missed being on here, and I missed the comments I got.

Oh, I had a brief look at the Park Rangers Blog and it looks interesting to see what life is like for a Park Ranger. But, i've not had time to read it all yet, but i'll get the time. Especially over the next few days anyway, 'cos I had an accident and don't have to do much around the house for the next few days.

See, i'm kinda overweight, like the rest of my family, but we, especially me, are determined to lose the weight and get fitter, so, we all chipped in for £475 to buy a motorized treadmill. Nothing fancy, just with time, adjustable speed, distance/calories display and a three programme function. It does the trick anyway.
Anyway, the day it was delivered, Friday, I decided to put the pieces together so I could use it, delighted as I was. And stupid me, I was doing great until it came to raising it up to put the arms on. Being the careless wonder I used to be - years ago, when I was younger - I lifted the wrong end. The motor end. I mean, I was being careful, I didn't put my hands to the sides in case an accident happened, I checked underneath and lifted from the middle. But, unbeknownst to me, it was on some kind of spring and it shot up in the air. The jerking movement somehow managed to send my hands to the sides and voila!! My left hand got trapped in between the motor and the bar to the side ands got dragged up with it. When I got my hand out, I was in agony. All the skin on my hand had been torn off from one end and shoved up to my fingers. Ouch! Blood everywhere.

So, I went to the Nurse at the local Doctors and got it seen to, but now I can't use that hand very much at all. I feel like such a baby now though because my mum has to cut my food up for me sometimes and I can't even help my poor old gran with her dishes for now. I sure do feel guilty about that.

Anyway, I passed my exams last year, and now i'm looking for a job. I managed to get a Christmas job, but only for four weeks. Heh, now i'm back to square one, and I can't even get the dole 'cos i'm apparently too young to. Grrrrr!

I did have a holiday this year, in March. Just for a week, and it was in Ireland, Dublin City. Mostly shopping, but there were some quite funny tours and a reasonably comfy hotel. Plus, my best friend came along with us. She had a laugh too. She'd never been to Ireland before and was excited even just to go the the main city. Me, I used to go to County Roscommon almost every year with family for usually two weeks at a time. but still, it's a nice place to go, especially if you don't want extreme weather.

But, I guess i'll report more tomorrow, and hey, maybe this time i'll manage to keep on top of the blog.

Adios amigos. Ciao.

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